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Sudan’s Military Leader Seeks Egyptian Help

Sudan’s top military officer, General Abdel-Fattah Burhan, made a one-day visit to Egypt on Tuesday for talks with President Abdel Fattah el-Sissi, marking his first trip abroad since Sudan’s conflict began earlier this year. The meeting aimed to address efforts to end the conflict in a way that preserves the sovereignty, integrity of the Sudanese State, an Egyptian statement said. The statement provided generalities about the war and its impact on the country.

Sudan plunged into chaos in mid-April when simmering tensions between the military, led by Gen Burhan, and the powerful paramilitary Rapid Support Forces, commanded by Mohammed Hamdan Dagalo, exploded into open fighting in the capital, Khartoum, and elsewhere. The conflict has turned the capital into an urban battlefield, with the RSF controlling vast areas of the city. The military command, where Gen Burhan has purportedly been stationed since April, has been one of the epicenters of the conflict.

In televised comments to Egyptian media, Gen Burhan accused the RSF of initiating the war to seize power in Sudan. “We’re facing a destructive war initiated by rebel groups… that committed heinous crimes that amount to war crimes,” he said. The military has sought to end the conflict and establish a transitional period until “fair and free elections,” he said.

Gen Burhan was accompanied by acting Foreign Minister Ali al-Sadiq and Gen Ahmed Ibrahim Mufadel, head of the General Intelligence Authority, and other military officers. The visit marked a significant move by Gen Burhan, who had previously been confined to Khartoum. The RSF has also been criticized for initiating the conflict and committing war crimes. However, the group has not commented on Gen Burhan’s trip or his comments.

The fighting has resulted in significant humanitarian challenges, with an estimated 4,000 people killed and more than 4.6 million displaced, according to the UN human rights office. The UN migration agency has reported that the conflict has displaced more than 4.6 million people. Martin Griffiths, the UN’s humanitarian chief, has added an additional 20 million dollars from the organisation’s emergency funding to help cover Sudan’s growing humanitarian needs.

Egypt has long-standing ties with the Sudanese army and its top generals. In July, President el-Sissi hosted a meeting of Sudan’s neighbours and announced a plan for a cease-fire. However, a series of fragile truces, brokered by the US and Saudi Arabia, have failed to hold. The conflict in Sudan remains a complex and pressing issue, and the visit by Gen Burhan to Egypt is seen as a significant step towards addressing the crisis.

The visit has implications for the ongoing conflict in Sudan, with Gen Burhan seeking support from Egypt to end the conflict and establish a transitional period. The meeting with President el-Sissi aimed to find a solution that preserves the sovereignty, integrity of the Sudanese State, an Egyptian statement said. The conflict continues to pose significant challenges for the international community, with the UN reporting growing humanitarian needs in the country.

As Sudan continues to grapple with the conflict, the visit by Gen Burhan to Egypt serves as a reminder of the complex and delicate nature of the situation. The meeting may mark a significant step towards addressing the crisis, but the conflict remains a pressing issue, with significant humanitarian challenges and implications for the international community.

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