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Soldiers Surround Niger’s Presidential Palace

Tensions escalated in Niger on Wednesday as members of the country’s presidential guard surrounded the presidential palace in an apparent attempt to overthrow the democratically elected government of President Mohamed Bazoum. The African Union and Economic Community of West African States condemned the actions as an effort to unseat Bazoum, who was elected in Niger’s first peaceful transfer of power since its independence from France in 1960.

The presidential guard, considered the elite unit of Niger’s security forces, has been involved in repeated clashes with protesters and opposition groups in recent months. The latest incident saw the unit, reportedly wearing military uniforms, storm the presidential palace and detain Bazoum. The government claimed that the rebels unsuccessfully tried to obtain support from other security forces, but the African Union and Ecowas Commission described the actions as an attempt to seize power by force.

The regional and international community has condemned the attempted coup, with the US and France urging the rebels to release Bazoum and refrain from violence. The US National Security Adviser, Jake Sullivan, stated that the US strongly condemns any effort to detain or subvert the functioning of Niger’s democratically elected government, led by President Bazoum. The European Union also voiced concern, with a spokesperson urging all parties to exercise restraint and respect the democratic process.

President Mohamed Bazoum (Via Mohamed Bazoum/Twitter)

In response to the attempted coup, hundreds of people took to the streets to demonstrate in support of the president, with shots fired in the capital city of Niamey. The Associated Press reported that members of the army and national guard were seen patrolling the streets, and international security forces operating in the country were put on lockdown.

The attempted coup has significant implications for the region, as Niger is a key partner in the fight against Islamist extremism. The country has been a target of terrorist attacks, and its military has received support and training from Western nations. The US has sought to strengthen ties with Niger, with Secretary of State Antony Blinken visiting the country in March. The attempted coup would undermine the West’s efforts to stabilize Africa’s Sahel region, which has seen a surge in extremist activity in recent years.

The situation remains volatile, with the presidential guard surrounding the presidential palace and the government demanding that the rebels back down. The West African regional bloc, Ecowas, has threatened to impose economic sanctions on any country that supports the attempted coup. With international pressure mounting, it remains to be seen whether the rebels will be able to achieve their aim of overthrowing the government or whether Bazoum will be able to maintain his authority and lead the country towards peace and stability.

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