India has paid its respects to Manmohan Singh, one of the country’s longest-serving and most influential prime ministers, who passed away at the age...
In Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia, thousands of protesters have formed a human chain, signaling their opposition to the political developments surrounding the upcoming...
On Thursday, Israeli airstrikes targeted Yemen’s main airport during a critical moment when a civilian Airbus 320 was landing and a U.N. delegation was...
Spain is currently grappling with its most devastating flooding disaster in decades, triggered by torrential rains that have left at least 95 people dead...
Ukrainian intelligence has reported the interception of phone calls revealing disarray within the Russian military as it attempts to incorporate North Korean troops into...
On Thursday morning, North Korea announced it had successfully conducted an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) test, marking what is believed to be the longest...
In the lead-up to the election, former President Donald Trump took center stage in a rally in Green Bay, Wisconsin, leveraging a recent controversial...
The Achrafieh neighborhood in Beirut, known for its predominantly Christian population, is currently experiencing the sounds of war from the Israeli airstrikes targeting the...