French President Emmanuel Macron faced significant backlash during his visit to Mayotte, a French overseas territory devastated by Cyclone Chido. The storm caused catastrophic...
France’s anti-terrorism court concluded the trial of eight individuals accused of involvement in the 2020 beheading of Samuel Paty, a teacher whose death sent...
In a secluded part of Damascus, a long-abandoned potato chip factory has become a haunting symbol of the Assad regime’s hidden activities. Upon investigating...
As the weather forecast warning of strong winds and potential tropical cyclone formation becomes more ominous, Puerto Vallarta is bracing for the worst. The...
The weekend attack by Hamas militants on Israeli soil has sent shockwaves throughout the region, killing hundreds and taking others hostage. This unprecedented breach...
Marina Wheeler, a renowned barrister and former spouse of Boris Johnson, is set to assume the position of Labour’s “whistleblowing tsar”, bringing her expertise...
The discovery of human remains stored improperly at a southern Colorado funeral home has triggered a multi-agency investigation and raised serious concerns about the...