French President Emmanuel Macron faced significant backlash during his visit to Mayotte, a French overseas territory devastated by Cyclone Chido. The storm caused catastrophic...
France’s anti-terrorism court concluded the trial of eight individuals accused of involvement in the 2020 beheading of Samuel Paty, a teacher whose death sent...
In a secluded part of Damascus, a long-abandoned potato chip factory has become a haunting symbol of the Assad regime’s hidden activities. Upon investigating...
The conflict between Ukraine and Russia has reached new heights, with both sides accusing each other of committing war crimes and exchanging military blows....
In a surprising move, former US President Donald Trump has publicly endorsed British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s decision to delay several measures aimed at...
Amazon Prime Video is making a significant change to its streaming platform by introducing limited advertising on its TV programs and films. This move...