French President Emmanuel Macron faced significant backlash during his visit to Mayotte, a French overseas territory devastated by Cyclone Chido. The storm caused catastrophic...
France’s anti-terrorism court concluded the trial of eight individuals accused of involvement in the 2020 beheading of Samuel Paty, a teacher whose death sent...
In a secluded part of Damascus, a long-abandoned potato chip factory has become a haunting symbol of the Assad regime’s hidden activities. Upon investigating...
Alastair Stewart, a veteran TV presenter, has recently opened up about his diagnosis of early-onset vascular dementia. The 71-year-old broadcaster revealed that he started...
Despite recent reports suggesting that Annie Lennox would not be touring again, the Scottish singer-songwriter has denied retirement rumors. According to Lennox, she is...
Torrential rains brought devastation to southern Brazil, claiming the lives of at least 31 people and leaving over 1,600 residents homeless. The extratropical cyclone...