French President Emmanuel Macron faced significant backlash during his visit to Mayotte, a French overseas territory devastated by Cyclone Chido. The storm caused catastrophic...
France’s anti-terrorism court concluded the trial of eight individuals accused of involvement in the 2020 beheading of Samuel Paty, a teacher whose death sent...
In a secluded part of Damascus, a long-abandoned potato chip factory has become a haunting symbol of the Assad regime’s hidden activities. Upon investigating...
Boy group CRAVITY has released exciting details for their first comeback of 2024. On February 1 KST, CRAVITY tantalized fans with a “coming soon” image...
Golden Child’s Joochan is preparing for his highly anticipated solo comeback after a five-year hiatus. Woollim Entertainment confirmed on February 2 KST that Joochan...
U.S. Air Force officer Madison Marsh, aged 22 and also pursuing a master’s degree at Harvard Kennedy School’s public policy program, clinched the title...
House Speaker Mike Johnson thinks that if federal workers join a planned walkout to protest President Biden’s handling of Israel’s war against Hamas, they...
Subway, a popular sandwich franchise, is now listed by Ukraine as one of the “international war sponsors.” They’re criticized for running over 500 stores...