French President Emmanuel Macron faced significant backlash during his visit to Mayotte, a French overseas territory devastated by Cyclone Chido. The storm caused catastrophic...
France’s anti-terrorism court concluded the trial of eight individuals accused of involvement in the 2020 beheading of Samuel Paty, a teacher whose death sent...
In a secluded part of Damascus, a long-abandoned potato chip factory has become a haunting symbol of the Assad regime’s hidden activities. Upon investigating...
Elle Korea’s YouTube channel featured a video titled ‘Meenoi’s Elle Photoshoot and YouTube Appearance.’ In this video, Meenoi revealed some of her valuable items....
In response to widespread reports about a potential contract termination, Jessi and Jay Park have publicly addressed the speculation, affirming that they are “all...
A former confidential informant for the US Drug Enforcement Administration, Joseph Vincent, a dual Haitian-American citizen, has pleaded guilty to conspiring to assassinate Haitian...