Formed by Yuehua Entertainment in March 2019, EVERGLOW consists of six talented members: SIHYEON, E:U, MIA, ONDA, AISHA, and YIREN. They burst onto the...
iKON successfully concluded their globe-trotting adventure on December 9th, marking the final stop of their “2023 iKON WORLD TOUR: TAKE OFF” in Macau. The...
BTS’s golden maknae, Jungkook, continues to make waves in the music industry! His debut solo single, “Seven” featuring Latto, recently surpassed a staggering 300...
Get ready for a powerful collaboration! Lee Sung Kyung is gearing up to release her digital single, “Eat Sleep Live Repeat,” featuring AKMU’s talented...
Fans rejoice! Girls’ Generation’s Taeyeon clinched first place on SBS’s “Inkigayo” with her hit song “To. X.” The show was packed with exciting performances....
Mark your calendars, Jeong Se Woon fans! The singer-songwriter is gearing up for his return with a new mini album titled “Quiz.” Starship Entertainment...